Asset List
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Core Tokens
Celo Celo Dollar Celo Euro Celo Brazilian Real ECO CFA Celo Kenyan Shilling
Other Tokens
PoofCash Staked Celo stCELOView on Celo ExplorerOld Ubeswap old-UBEView on Celo ExplorerUbeswap Truefeedback Stabilite USD stabilUSDView on Celo ExplorerCurve DAO Token Wrapped Ether SOL Moola RewardsCELO USD Coin (Pos) Ari Swap Fantom CeloShiba CSHIBAView on Celo ExplorerImpact Savings CELO Wrapped Ethereum Wrapped Matic WMATICView on Celo ExplorerPoof CELO cMCO2 CeloStarter Old impactMarket old-PACTView on Celo ExplorerSBR Immortal Aave Token Moola cUSD AToken Allbridge Moola CELO AToken Mobius DAO Token Source SOURCEView on Celo ExplorerTest Token Symmetric AVAX PREMIO PREMIOView on Celo ExplorerBinance CeloFloki CFLOKIView on Celo ExplorerKNX Moola cEUR MToken Wrapped BTC SushiToken Wrapped Bitcoin CeloDoge cRecy Moola interest bearing CREAL mCREALView on Celo ExplorerEthix Plastik PLASTIKView on Celo ExplorerGreen Celo Green Celo Dollar Tether USD Angle EUR Axelar Wrapped USDC axlUSDCView on Celo ExplorerGoodDollar JumpToken ImmortalX Dai Stablecoin Glo Dollar USDGLOView on Celo ExplorerAxelar Wrapped EUROC axlEUROCView on Celo ExplorerMento Token Kolektivo TTD PUSO