Valora sblocca le potenzialità del Web3 su Celo

In questo momento puoi comprare, accumulare, inviare, spendere e guadagnare facilmente criptovalute, tutto all’interno di Valora. Grazie alla nostra nuova pagina Dapp, puoi connetterti ad altre dapp all’interno dell’ecosistema Celo che consentono di prestare, prendere in prestito, acquistare NFT, mettere in staking, scambiare, usare giochi e altro ancora. 

Valora svolge la funzione di accesso singolo a queste dapp, fornendo un gateway per il Web3. Man mano che la nostra pagina Dapp si espande, potrai connetterti a un numero sempre maggiore di possibilità. L’elemento sorprendente dell’utilizzo di dapp basate su Celo è la velocità e la convenienza, con tempi dei blocchi di 5 secondi e commissioni sulle transazioni inferiori a $0,01.

Image of a phone with Valora UI

Innovation is happening in Web3

In Web3, products and services are owned and governed by those who use them, instead of centralized organizations.

This dynamic incentivizes and empowers people to come together in new ways, engage with the latest opportunities, and make better use of their resources. As a result, Web3 is home to an immense amount of innovation and creativity.

Web 1, Web2, Web 3

Dapp in Valora

  • Moola
    Lend, borrow, or pool your crypto while getting rewards

  • Bidali
    Use your crypto to purchase gift cards from brands worldwide

  • impactMarket
    Donate, stake, and collect $PACT while empowering underserved communities

  • Mento
    Exchange Celo assets

  • $MENTO Airdrop
    $MENTO token airdrop for early supporters of the Mento Protocol

  • Flywallet
    Book and save for flights with your crypto

  • HaloFi Challenges
    HaloFi Challenges: save and succeed

  • HaloFi Save
    Join the future of savings with HaloFi Save

  • NFT Viewer
    View all your Celo NFT collections in one place

  • ChurritoFi
    Easily stake CELO to get rewards

  • Plastiks
    Discover NFTs for plastic recovery

  • EthicHub
    Lend capital to unbanked farmers through DeFi crowdfunding

  • Double
    Get rewards by providing liquidity

  • Uniswap
    Swap and get rewards by providing liquidity

  • Staked Celo
    Stake CELO and get rewards while keeping your crypto liquid

  • Curve
    Swap between stable assets

  • Toucan Protocol
    Use your crypto to create carbon credits for climate action

  • Cred Protocol
    Get your Web3 credit score

  • GoodDollar
    Claim UBI daily or stake to earn and support UBI

  • JumpTask
    Earn crypto as you play, solve or share

  • Masa Prosperity Passport
    Claim a free .celo domain, refer friends and earn rewards

  • LlamaSwap
    Find the best route for your trade giving you the best execution prices in DeFi

  • ImmortalX
    Trade crypto with low fees directly from your wallet, with up to 50x leverage

  • Sarafu Network
    Create, use and explore Community Asset Vouchers with Grassroots Economics

  • Hedgey Finance
    Empower your team and investors with on-chain token vesting

  • Talent Protocol
    Where builders commit to goals, share their progress and find the support they need to succeed

  • Wallet DM
    Chat securely between wallets

  • Ubeswap
    Exchange, pool, or farm your crypto

  • Revoke Cash
    Take back control of your wallet

  • Onramp Money
    The financial platform for buying/selling crypto. Convert fiat to web3 money

  • Beefy
    Earn compound interest on your crypto holdings

  • Layer3
    Quests that make learning and exploring crypto fun, engaging and rewarding

  • Glo Dollar
    Fund public goods by hodling a stablecoin

  • Aave
    Earn interest and borrow assets

  • Celosphere
    An NFT marketplace built on Celo

  • Stake DAO
    Boost your yield and voting power with liquid staking and market strategies

  • Allbridge Core
    Swap stablecoins between blockchains

Inizia a usare Valora

Ora è il momento perfetto per fare il tuo ingresso tempestivo ed esplorare il Web3 durante la sua creazione. Esiste una quantità impressionante di opportunità e sono destinate ad aumentare. Grazie al nostro portafoglio semplice da usare, semplificheremo la possibilità di sfruttarle tutte.

Ecco come:

Scarica Valora

Acquista criptovalute

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